Proposal to extend @platform% to cover the Raspberry Pi Pico range

Over at GitHub, 'Memotech Bill' is proposing to extend the @platform% system variable to indicate not only the 'platform' (he's suggesting 6 in the LSB for the Raspberry Pi Pico) but also to use the next byte to indicate variants as follows:
@platform% = 6 + ( is_pico_w () << 8 )
where is_pico_w() returns:
0 = Standard Pico
1 = Pico W without CYW43 support
2 = Pico W with CYW43 GPIO support
3 = Pico W with CYW43 poll support
4 = Pico W with CYW43 threadsafe background support
Since the MS 24-bits of @platform% have only been used to date in the GUI editions (they hold the SDL2 version number) I can't see any major objections to this, but as with any globally-allocated ID we don't want to burn our boats through lack of proper consideration.

Can anybody see any issues with Bill's proposal?
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