BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 version 1.39a released

I have released version 1.39a of BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 - the cross-platform programming language for Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Raspberry Pi OS, Android, iOS and in-browser. The changes in this version are as follows:
  1. Environment

    Updated SDL2 to version 2.30.0 and SDL2_ttf to version 2.22.0 (Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS).

    Increased the initial value of HIMEM to 32 Mbytes above PAGE.

    Increased the maximum heap size, in 64-bit editions only, to 4 Gbytes (heap pointers are 32-bits so this is the largest possible size).

  2. BASIC Interpreter / Run Time Engine

    Extended VDU 19 to be able to set colours with an alpha (opacity) value.

    Added *FX 19 as a synonym for *REFRESH.

  3. IDEs and Utilities

    Modified the 'compiler' to support wildcards in REM!Embed directives.

    Modified SDLIDE for compatibility with 'self-examining' programs.

  4. Libraries

    Added PROC_slice() and PROC_redim() (etc.) to the arraylib library.

    Modified the gpiolib library for compatibility with 64-bit PiOS and the Raspberry Pi 5.

  5. Example Programs

    Added, an antialiased Smith Chart graticule, in examples/graphics.

    Added, a list of one-line keyword descriptions, principally for the Android and iOS editions.

    Added (in examples/general, desktop editions only) which can accept up to 8 concurrent connections.

    Added (in examples/general, Radpberry Pi only) to test the gpiolib library.
This version may be downloaded, for all the supported platforms, from the usual location (the Android and iOS editions should be installed from the appropriate App Store). The GitHub repository has also been updated.


  • I notice that this new release (1.39a) has not been announced at either the Discussion Group or the 'official' Forum, which seems a little strange. Does anybody know why? The administrator of the forum should be aware, because I personally alerted him that it was imminent.
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