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Re: History question - first RTR BBC Basic(s)
I presume you are referring to the CRF/RTR board, which was most definitely not "developed for the BBC" and is more correctly referred to as the 'Colin Foddering board' (CRF), because it wa…1 -
Re: Testers wanted for BBC BASIC (Z80) version 5
(BTW there's a bit of a problem with museums, either holding onto stuff forever or even mis-handling it. Going there and using their expertise would be one thing, but sending them something might be …1 -
Matrix Brandy V1.23.1 released
I have today released version 1.23.1 of Matrix Brandy. Changes include: - System: Rework the threading model to use pthreads even under SDL, this allows a custom thread size to be set, so the recursi…1 -
Re: Strange heap-alignment sensitivity
I can reproduce the behaviour with a minimal program. It requires only that two variables starting with the same letter (and hence sharing the same linked-list) be accessed alternately, for example: …1 -
Re: Strange heap-alignment sensitivity
Oh well, thanks anyway. The effect is so dramatic that just to put it down to 'one of those things' and not to be able to come up with even a pragmatic workaround is highly unsettling. Just for the r…1 -
Re: RISC OS sketchpad program
Thank you. Although that works in immediate mode I had to add it to the program as well (as line 15) otherwise running the program disabled the mouse again. Interestingly the code as listed in the ma…1 -
Matrix Brandy V1.23.0 released
I have today released version 1.23.0 of Matrix Brandy. Changes include: - System: Add '-tek' (or -t) option to enable Tek graphics for 'tbrandy' on compatible platforms. Equivalent to issuing SYS&quo…1 -
Re: Surprising indirection behaviour
I don't really have a release schedule as such, I know in the early days I was releasing often but then there was so much broken that needed fixing it justified it. Now that it's more stable, release…1 -
Re: Surprising indirection behaviour
if (hex) { if (matrixflags.hex64) size = sprintf(basicvars.stringwork, "%*llX", fieldwidth, pop_anynum64()); else size = sprintf(basicvars.stringwork, &q…1 -
Animated 3D gears
This 3D animation was rendered in BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 (although the program is compatible with BBC BASIC for Windows if you have the WEBGLLIB library). You can run it 'live' in your browser here. L…1