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BBC BASIC implementation of RANDU
Originally posted at the BBC BASIC forum by p_m21987 I've recently been reading about the history of pseudo-random number generators, and I've found RANDU to be particularly fascinating. So tonight f…1 -
Re: How to get web server name
It very nearly was! To find the 'window' object the JavaScript code, not surprisingly, needs to be run in the context of the main thread, not the interpreter's thread (Web Worker in JS parlance). The…1 -
Re: Odd quirk with BBCSDL WASM build
Bear in mind that the BBCSDL online help index page contains a custom Google search box, which will prioritise looking in the most likely place. For example if you search there for 'URL parameters' i…1 -
BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 version 1.37a released
I have released version 1.37a of BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 - the cross-platform programming language for Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Raspberry Pi OS, Android, iOS and in-browser. The changes in this version …2 -
Surprising behaviour of Alt Gr key
I've put this in the 'General BBC BASIC' section because it probably affects all versions of BBC BASIC running on a Windows PC. It certainly affects Matrix Brandy, BBC BASIC for Windows, BBC BASIC fo…1 -
Re: BBCSDL mentioned (amongst others) on Next Without For podcast
By pure chance, just randomly dipping in, I found the Matrix Brandy section at around 1:05:00.1 -
BBCSDL mentioned (amongst others) on Next Without For podcast
Hi, Just a little heads-up that BBC BASIC for SDL is mentioned (amongst a number of others) on the Next Without For podcast -…1 -
Re: RPi Pico: How do I access It?
The Pico edition of BBC BASIC is not my product, so I would suggest that you contact the developer 'Memotech Bill'. You could perhaps raise it as an issue at his Github repository. Mind you if it was…1 -
Re: RPi Pico: How do I access It?
Strange, it should. Where are you getting the UF2 file from? There are several different configurations, each of which has a separate UF2 file, so maybe you have one which is expecting a serial (UAR/…1 -
Re: Coronation demo
The usual reason for splitting the 3D 'world' into multiple objects is, of course, so that they can be moved independently. That doesn't apply in this case, but the crown has still been split into fo…1