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Re: In what version of BASIC was OPT 8-15 introduced?
Thank you. That old manual particularly interests me because it includes a description of the Floating point emulator, including support for the IEEE 80-bit extended precision format - although padde…1 -
Re: In what version of BASIC was OPT 8-15 introduced?
I believe it was introduced in RISC OS 2 with ARM BBC BASIC version 1.04 from 1988, as I found a reference to it in an old scan of the RISC OS 2 reference manual here…1 -
Re: About integers and negative values
I will add that to some extent this depends on the floating-point format used, but 'sign & magnitude' is by far the most common format, and in that case truncation is what you get if you discard …1 -
Re: Lowercase keywords
Adding lowercase support back (and across the board, not just immediate mode only keywords) was surprisingly straightforward. So it's added, though disabled by default, and can be enabled with the co…1 -
Re: Testers wanted for BBC BASIC (Z80) version 5
I've updated the original post and title of my earlier thread to add references to Acorn Z80SP version, and given the thread a bump too. Easy enough to do on my phone.1 -
Re: BBC BASIC forum
Should the worst come to the worst, I have worked out an SQL query that promotes an existing user to administrator/founder status. It is:update phpbb_users set group_id=5,user_type=3,user_colour='AA0…1 -
Re: BBC BASIC forum
Indeed so, but this is a warning against unskilled and uncareful changes. One can proceed in perfect safety, if one starts with a backup. And one would study the schema first, to understand what need…1 -
Re: Testers wanted for BBC BASIC (Z80) version 5
At present, it may well be limited to those, but it's quite possible, I think, to extend the facility to z80. All the hard work and ingenuity is in place.1 -
Re: Testers wanted for BBC BASIC (Z80) version 5
Of course: my BASICs support only axis-aligned ellipses (because the underlying OS graphics drivers also have that limitation: gdi32 in BB4W and SDL2_gfx in BBCSDL). I'm certainly not going to make B…1 -
Re: Testers wanted for BBC BASIC (Z80) version 5
In the tools I'm using only the first six characters of a symbol are significant, that's why it's supposed to be ELLIPS (not ELLIPSE) throughout, like BRAKET (rather than BRACKET) etc. But that one s…1